Welcome friend.

Here are some things that I have written, read, or have affected me in some way. I formally state that no one truly will understand these words or the intention of these words due to my inability to efficiently & accurately express myself.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Ladies & Gentlemen, may I have your attention?
I have startling news of vile misdirection.
It seems a slave comes cheap these days.
For we are all in shackles in a few different ways:

First they tie your heart to things,
Undermining love, by defining what it means.
Placing fake expectations on the world you "deserve",
Thus limiting reaction to the master we serve.

Secondly, they tie your mind to debt.
Focusing your attention so those expectations can be met.
By keeping the world so far about your means,
Making you live life to catch up, oblivious to the scheme.

And third, they weigh you down with fear.
Creating "security" so that comfort stays near.
Building your life around an idea of hope,
That nothing goes wrong, and you stay afloat.

Eliminating the search to discover who you are,
They name the nameless, and they set the bar.
But you dont have to submit as a pawn in a game,
For each man is powerful, and we are all the same.

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