Welcome friend.

Here are some things that I have written, read, or have affected me in some way. I formally state that no one truly will understand these words or the intention of these words due to my inability to efficiently & accurately express myself.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shit tracks Randy, shit tracks

I used to be full of shit. (and this ain't gay)
so full of shit my eyes were brown. now they're green, or greening
because I opened up all the shit valves. every pore and orifice and vessel
to allow for the shit to stop building pressure. to let the shit seep out. slow as fuck.
goddamn does it take a while, to not be full of shit. you get soo
PACKED (not fudgepacked) by all the bullshit,
that you're constantly wiping shit off of you. who wants to be around someone
who is always wiping shit? smells like shit, looks like shit..must be shit.
the hardest part is not closing the shit valves again. eventually the shit well runs dry (ricky)
and you can be filled with whatever you want.

so next time you see someone wiping shit off of himself, grab some gloves
and give him a hand goddammit.

he's trying

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

are you trying to make a monster out of me?
break me down to hands and knees;
to be trapped in a box to thrash as you please?
attempting with vigor to shake loose my "disease".
I can not be disposed of with such little ease.

ready & set to brace myself for impact;
in this tomb of a world, your reward the broken back.
there's no looking, only seeing
when your bracing yourself
darkness has nothing its concealing

what if it felt as if I were oxen?
or a dog to bring the flocks in?
happily utilized for a menial claim
terminated menially for a Show of Faith,
like any slave, servant, to be chaste
for the sake of the save face.

so here I am yours to shake.
as my grip grows stronger each day,
and your grasp fades with each thrash you make,
one day, when these confines break;
I will be master, & you will be slave.

suck on that shit