Welcome friend.

Here are some things that I have written, read, or have affected me in some way. I formally state that no one truly will understand these words or the intention of these words due to my inability to efficiently & accurately express myself.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jogos de Cartas

Jogo de Cartas from Richard Silva on Vimeo.

a pretty sweet little short I did
what if you were led through the dark
with faith, held on to embark,
and never ended up where you should?

how frightening a thought,
that what you had caught,
was nothing more than driftwood.

a strong pull indeed,
with such admirable speed,
gives the impression of purposeful course,

but once the sun rises
and we lose nights disguises,
its always current pulling you forth.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

what can you say to help impart
to the man who holds his broken heart;
that although life seems so cold
this is how the story unfolds.
albeit it will never end,
the story is the journey friend
for there is no final resting place
no finish lines to end this race.

it is evident in the growth nature brings
the price for life is suffering

Monday, August 9, 2010

let not your tattered garments
and tarnishing laments,
be the only voice thats heard
build the mask you choose,
build the face you're deserved.
who else knows better,
the truths you contain
and the loves you feign,
than the architect of such a voice?

that is all the world will choose to see,
the timbre you project. build a masterpiece.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shit tracks Randy, shit tracks

I used to be full of shit. (and this ain't gay)
so full of shit my eyes were brown. now they're green, or greening
because I opened up all the shit valves. every pore and orifice and vessel
to allow for the shit to stop building pressure. to let the shit seep out. slow as fuck.
goddamn does it take a while, to not be full of shit. you get soo
PACKED (not fudgepacked) by all the bullshit,
that you're constantly wiping shit off of you. who wants to be around someone
who is always wiping shit? smells like shit, looks like shit..must be shit.
the hardest part is not closing the shit valves again. eventually the shit well runs dry (ricky)
and you can be filled with whatever you want.

so next time you see someone wiping shit off of himself, grab some gloves
and give him a hand goddammit.

he's trying

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

are you trying to make a monster out of me?
break me down to hands and knees;
to be trapped in a box to thrash as you please?
attempting with vigor to shake loose my "disease".
I can not be disposed of with such little ease.

ready & set to brace myself for impact;
in this tomb of a world, your reward the broken back.
there's no looking, only seeing
when your bracing yourself
darkness has nothing its concealing

what if it felt as if I were oxen?
or a dog to bring the flocks in?
happily utilized for a menial claim
terminated menially for a Show of Faith,
like any slave, servant, to be chaste
for the sake of the save face.

so here I am yours to shake.
as my grip grows stronger each day,
and your grasp fades with each thrash you make,
one day, when these confines break;
I will be master, & you will be slave.

suck on that shit

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

here I stand, suspended
and rendered unconsciously conscious.
here I am mended by one night
of unraveling, like a loose thread;
tread cautious not to fully undo,
as I fear I will lose tether from the Earth.

If such a state does occur,
one of true shapeless resource,
act accordingly, fashion me
into your desires. I am the mortar
to seam your fractures, a shield
to your weakness & fears, I am yours.
use me as you will. wield me
for thy purpose, I am a vessel for you,
just as you are The Vessel.

It is but a modest compensation;
To repay such a sacred charge
is a burden far too daunting,
for the sensibilities of an unsatisfied
woman. I offer the
enthusiastic assistance,
in maintaining the weight
of the great consideration.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

they say its impossible,
but I've found a part of the river
that seems crossable.
just have to lighten your load,
take a chance on the slicker stones,
although the river is wide,
its twice the life on the other side.

and god, must we try..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

your freedom is written in the profit margin

Friday, May 7, 2010

the struggle

thankfully this well of will,
whos depth has yet to be seen,
is so readily available to yield.
so that I may once again summon the strength
to expand my lungs, to strive
for one more breath of life; and that I,
may relish in the relief of its exhale.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

9 - 11?

so I have been trying to stay informed of the worlds current events, and in the process of fulfilling that today I stumbled upon some interesting images.

this link goes to a BBC News article on the recent death of Poland's President, Lech Kaczynski, in a tragic plane crash:

if you notice, that plane is fucked up. the ground around it? also fucked up. actually, it looks exactly like it did when they crashed the plane on the first season of Lost...and the sixth season!

now here are a couple links, one showing the aftermath of the 'plane crash' into the pentagon, and one of a similar 'attack' in Pennsylvania:

If you notice, these scenes look completely different!

Obviously someone has deceived Us. Regardless of the intentions, let this be a warning to you that nothing is what it seems..

especially in the name of war.

Monday, April 5, 2010

ever want to be a fly on the wall?

see some stuff you shouldn't.

to be not once, but twice cast aside
like a perfect idea, perfected once again
obsolete, rides the ebb and flow of tide

I helped hold the waters back long enough,
long enough for waves to wear my walls
and to see your kingdom flourish

yet, once erosion runs its course
I crumble, collapse to the ground
remaining here, unperturbed
admiring my place in the grand scheme

every kingdom must expand
now, but a pile of stone surrounds
naturally, you'll loathe the blemish

but you forget the intent
of which this wall, had stood
if your ambition surpasses your vision

as you build a wall to further hold
the tide at bay, to keep a kingdom growth,
then you shall see barren days

no man can fight a nature's strength
be it his, the moon's, or Earth
the waves will soon retrieve their ground
regardless of your birth.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

be careful what you pretend to be because that is what you'll become

Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiments

Review of the Quiet Rage video by Hans Sherrer

(September 2003)


one day,
when retrospect has taken its course,
and clarity on immediacies
& such is relinquishing,
a certain scent overcomes,
this momentary glory.

while pursuit of a definition
in measures present
suffices not to purge emanation,
threaten relentless appeal
to the senses,
as to the nature of their latency.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I was born with too much weight on my shoulders,
like Atlas, trying not to let the world roll over
it happens, I've adjusted to holding this boulder,
made with my father's doubts,
getting heavier as I get older


As fire screams from between branches
An autumn sky blazes over our autumn years
Black, silhouetted against a crimson sun
Shining light scattered, upon our gaze-less eyes
As the world is broken piece by piece
Our hands callus from the crumbling earth
Set forth by trembling hearts
We lead ourselves blindly to the edge of the abyss
Look at us now! we exclaim
As we dance eyes closed upon the ledge
Laughing down with no voice returned
Like fools, there is no end in sight!
Under our feet the ground slowly slips
Leaving no grasp for callused hands
For we have wandered too far, too fast
Carelessly grinding bedrock for sand
Disappearing, the crimson light trails
Back across the brink
As all wonder falls within
Seeing death before it meets the deep


Ladies & Gentlemen, may I have your attention?
I have startling news of vile misdirection.
It seems a slave comes cheap these days.
For we are all in shackles in a few different ways:

First they tie your heart to things,
Undermining love, by defining what it means.
Placing fake expectations on the world you "deserve",
Thus limiting reaction to the master we serve.

Secondly, they tie your mind to debt.
Focusing your attention so those expectations can be met.
By keeping the world so far about your means,
Making you live life to catch up, oblivious to the scheme.

And third, they weigh you down with fear.
Creating "security" so that comfort stays near.
Building your life around an idea of hope,
That nothing goes wrong, and you stay afloat.

Eliminating the search to discover who you are,
They name the nameless, and they set the bar.
But you dont have to submit as a pawn in a game,
For each man is powerful, and we are all the same.

rain. rain

washed as white as snow?
more like a thin, watered coat of paint,
it just takes some rain to wash it away.
brace yourselves!
you're falling back to earth

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it must be something in the air
to make me fret so
something, to make me fear
that I'm losing something
losing anything
yes, it must be, in the air

if I take a look around
its easy to see
everything I'd like to keep
is still right in front of me

so just breathe, its nothing

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Glass Ceiling

once, God was a ceiling of glass,
to peer through to the heavens, and past.
until man took his hammer of Doubt
shattered God, and strew him about.
suffice, that did not for man,
for then doubt, had encompassed the land.
so crusades were set out to find,
the pieces of their peace of mind.
but the pieces were harder and harder,
to find, as they grew smaller and smaller.
attempting to build a new shield
from the horrors that only man yields,
they took all the God they could seize,
to no avail, tried to fuse piece to piece.
yet the closer and closer they came,
in the effort of defining his name,
it seemed the words would elude,
skip the tongue, and foster the feud
between the light, which once was so clear
and the Doubt, that nurtures his fear.

Monday, March 1, 2010


approaching the end, like the sun falls
here, so quickly light thins
I've reached the point of voided return
this cavity remains, a half-lesson learned
bold visceral push toward daylight
through shadow stalk, eyes, ears taught
hear, feel, smell of the earth
unaware, yet aware, the hunt ensured
watch the fire, like stars embers blaze
upward, to join their heavenly kin
the tree line hails of foe and prey
as slumber creeps, my attention fades
alert! there exists much to develop
keep diligent, the guise of night envelops
watch the tick of the celestial tock
and huddle for warmth, as surely, enemies stalk
beat, by beat, by beat of heart, alone
i count by measure, the time til morn

Saturday, February 27, 2010

my grandparents, from my father.
how young and full of hope they seem lol
what did I do? to set your sun so low?
from what fire of mine has an ember met your eye?
here mine seemed a life of empathy,
and yours dissatisfaction.
to feel your pains, and mine as well
only to see in you the look of mistrust.
brother, do you not see the weight of both burdens
carried upon my back? to not suffer, as I suffer with you.
still alone, always alone, i feel my constraints.

do I not have as little as thee?
I see your claims of undesired intrusions,
whislt your heart pours out to me.
yet ressentiment is all I see...
and I understand the need for your own two feet.

is it all my fault, to be cast into this life?
admitting-ly, once, i held the bond too tight.
but I am here to live, not shy from light
i shall find my sovereignty to stand upright.

i see now, how this is a mutual plight

ashes to ashes

convulsing earth
is a repulsive birth
yet, a birth none the less

confounding worth
shall advance ever forth
through times we see as mess

the circle rounds
its equation, profound
forever back to start

disaster bound
yet more glory is found
in the cycle of Nature's art

Friday, February 26, 2010


i followed step for step, paths so deeply set
to lead me no where, left behind
alone by me, my truths were met

i went in front for once, stood first upon the line
to take so deep the bladed edge
of another man's truth, as true as mine

to seem to seam a 'life' to life
or dream of dreaming strive from strife
will seem to take the 'youth' from you
and seem to take the truth from true

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

real food options in gainesville

Farmers Market's
The Alachua County Farmers Market (ACFM), is open every Saturday, year-round, from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Where: Gainesville Downtown Community Plaza, 111 E. University Ave
When: Wednesday from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Open All Year

Where: Tioga Town Center, 13005 W. Newberry Rd.
When: Mondays from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Open All Year

Decent Grocery Stores

Local Farm Resources

phones dial out as well as receive

Good lord, what is wrong with people?
I try to not allow my expectations for the relationships I have with my friends & family get in the way of our actual relationship, yet no one ever reciprocates. This has been something that has frustrated me for quite some time; if you're pissed at me, or anyone really, for not calling you, and you don't call me either, shut. the. fuck. up. Seriously.
It doesn't change anything between us, it just means that I am trying my hardest at that moment, to stay focused in that moment. It has nothing to do with you and I, it's just that sometimes it doesn't work out. Life is just one moment after the other, so my attention is constantly called for where ever I am. People allow their own insecurities to overcome their relationships; to rule their relationships. Shit, rule their lives. If you are ever bitching about how someone doesn't call you, or keep in touch as much as you would like them to, stop right there, PICK UP YOUR GOD DAMNED PHONE, and call them. Bitch me out for not calling you if it makes you feel better, but at least you can satisfy whatever expectations you have at that moment and don't have to ruin the relationship we do/could have by fuming on it during my/your absence.
Most likely I will be thrilled to hear from you. Most likely it would make my day. Most likely it would strengthen whatever bond we have. Instead, I actually hear from a only handful of people. Then I hear nothing but shit from a auditorium of inconsiderate people who don't even take the time to consider that maybe there is a reason I haven't talked to you. Maybe my life is consumed at the moment, by whatever it is, and I just don't know how to express it over the phone/internet. Maybe I'm just down on myself and I don't think that anyone would even want to hear from me. Maybe I am having to live my life and put up with the same bullshit that we all have to deal with on a day to day basis. Whatever it is, when I talk to you finally, or see you finally, how the fuck can someone justify putting up these woe-is-me walls around them. I don't want to talk to you about how I didn't talk to you, or the obvious fact that YOU DIDN'T CALL ME EITHER! I want to talk about how much I missed you, and how great it is to be able to see you. I want to talk about allll the things I missed, and I want to tell you all the you've missed.

That is the beauty of this human experience; we all share it. I would have to spend my entire day on the phone, having the exact same conversations, with all of the people in my life that I truly care about. Think about how many people in your life want the exact same amount of attention from you? How hard is that to juggle? I wish we didn't have phones, I wish we didn't have computers, because with them we are supposed to grow closer and all they do is pull us further from each other. We spend our lives glued to our phones and computers desperately trying to bring our 'social' life together and make it more efficient, when all it does is cheapen your relationships. I hate talking on the phone, I hate text messages, I hate anything that is used to communicate that removes the most important part of communication; feelings. I would rather see your face, and feel your words coming out of your mouth....because I actually care about what you're saying and don't want to cheapen it up with a fucking facebook message. It works in small ways, but when you try to perpetuate a relationship with these 'social networking' tools it will always fail. Why? Because you always place your own feelings onto whatever you read no matter what. You don't truly know what they were thinking and feeling when they wrote it, and a lot of times relationships are ruined over these exact miscommunications.

Communication is breaking down. Trust the people you love. These are the only two things that I feel like saying at the moment.

I might come back and edit this a little bit more, but I'm tired tonight.

Friday, February 5, 2010

do you

do you feel it?

is it the wind that drives these sails,
or is it my breath?
am I floating a shallow sea,
or has it the depth?

I'm in no business with lies,
especially with myself.
I beg from you a sign,
that this is something...

something you have felt

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I dream of one day having a library similar to this one...completely filled with books & vinyls of course


there he goes,
putting on his robe,
covering his eyes,
to turn his gavel on the world.

terribly enough he knows
that all his offenses, with him, he tows,
no where to run from the things he won't show,
this giant goes with him where ever he goes.


one of my favorite songs I am working on at the moment.

all of this time you've been thinking
where you went wrong
when all of my problems
have been holding you down.

where do you go, when what you're hanging on
is sinking to?
where do you go, when you see that this sinking ship
is being pulled down by you?

all of this time you've been thinking
where you went wrong
when all of my problems
have been holding you down.

I'm going overboard, don't send me a lifeline
I'm just an anchor.
man overboard, don't turn around
just head right back to shore.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


sometimes you lose control
and make the mistakes of a lesser man

consequences. how unfortunate

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

space, the final frontier

somewhere, out there..


There are those who claim to be none the wiser,
Losing life to King and miser.
Saying, "This is how its always been,
Change is but a fleeting trend.
Just keep your voice as low as your head,
And follow the path the King has led."

I say to this, be alarmed.
We all live with the call to arms:
To cast aside the rigid binds,
That tether you to mortal mind.

resurrect, oh lord, resurrect

it's been a year of me on my back
while you're not even trying.
if life is a resurrection
I'm already used to dying.

put yourself in my shoes
i left a game that was mine to lose
turning back after a wrong turn
is heading the right way, and hard to learn.

distress is to regress,
as progress is to happiness.
but you'll never see it that way..
..will you?


I just can't help it

another set of lyrics...its kind of hard to get the full picture when its read. I also don't have a title for this one.

it's too late to notice me
sneaking out the window, oh so quietly.
I've got flames for feet
and I'm burning bridges down,
no more looking back to that side of town.

always covering my tracks.
keep my armor on, to keep knives out of my back.
there's no shame for me
because I won't see your face,
or the damage that I leave in my wake.

I don't hesitate to run away
when there's music to be faced.
because I can't separate
the things I earn from the things that I take.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

lost n found

I found this in one of my old notepads today, i kinda liked it.

Every second,
Every breath,
This poison,
Into my heart,
into my mind
Forced plasticity will tremble
the foundation of any man.
I find myself wandering..
I find myself faltering..
This sacrifice is beginning to weigh me down
No more will I wander
No more will I falter
I shall bring myself to world and exclaim:
"Take all you can of me,
for today
I leave compromise in my wake."


So it seems that the scales of lady justice have diminished. No longer do the scales tip to the side of justice, but rather to the side with heaviest hand.

"Let both sides pile on the weight (money). Whichever pocket empties first, loses."

This is our Justice system. Justice supersedes criminality. It is intertwined with our entire way of life, with the lack of accountability we hold with our people and our environment. We allow drastic, hollow steps to be made by corporations that now control our entire country, if not the world, with little or no resistance. These hands of greed have infiltrated every facet of our culture and dictate its progression. Unfortunately progression is lost to personal ambitions and lingering to ill intentioned, delusional fundamental ideas that were established in the early, more ignorant industrial past. Yet we still do not ask questions. We do not DEMAND answers.

We are hardwired for instant gratification. YOU are hardwired for instant gratification no matter the cost. For decades the American Dream has dominated the human spirit and perpetuated the decline in quality in every part of our society. Every good that is made for the proletariat is made with the intent to keep us living out superficial ideas long since spread too thin. An example is the mass production of cars specifically tailored to our nostalgia, regardless of environmental risks. We want BIG TRUCKS and cars that hearken back to retro times, the "good ole' days" & "the American way!", as they have been made 'cool' in our minds. We chase this 'cool' at any cost as it has been created and placed as the focal point of human existence. It is how we identify ourselves, and with the world around us. Very large leaps and bounds have been made in the vehicle industry since Mr. Ford created the assembly line that enables us to create clean, efficient, non-detrimental vehicles with much less repercussion than their combustible ancestors. Yet these technologies are suppressed by the already well established competition. These compromises are made only to ensure profits for a handful of individuals. They use the 'cool' to control you. At what cost?

To simply succumb to an idea because it is established is ludicrous. We should always be inquiring into the intent in which something is created. If a gas guzzling truck is manufactured and marketed in lieu of a smarter more technologically advanced, say electric car, then it is our responsibility to evaluate the costs and act accordingly. Obviously better choices exist, but why do we continue to digress instead of progress?

The same idea goes with the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the goods we so envelop ourselves in. Even our own English language is becoming more and more superficial and compromised. The term quality itself has changed meaning over the years to imply that it is merely 'acceptable', not of the highest grade as you are led to believe. MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY is the American way now. Not pride in ones work, or pride in ones self, but how quickly, and how cheap. We are on a continual downward trend in being able to properly express ones self or communicate appropriately with the world around us. We are de-evolving to neanderthals with our sedentary lives and sedentary minds. Consumed by nothing but consumption, distracted by our ever growing arsenal of media, we have become a culture of hedonism in the worst sense. A hedonism with no substance. It is one thing to indulge in the pleasures of the world with some sort of understanding or self cultivation, but another to consume just for the sake of consumption.

Consequences are mere ideas to the people making decisions everyday that not only affect our immediate life, but also our evolutionary growth. A handful of corporations control our entire food supply and make concessions only to increase their efficiency, and their profits, with no regard to the consequences. Things like the ever growing, not fully researched genetically enhanced foods and animal cloning can produce detrimental effects that we are not fully aware of. These technologies are tested on our entire species for the sake of immediate profits. How is that an intelligent decision? We are completely unaware of how these will affect us a species in the long run, therefore we are acting unbelievably reckless. With the help of such cursory measures to meet immediate demands, we run the risk of future generations having diminished gene pools, possible mutations, and a weaker evolutionary specimen that has taken millions of years of cultivation and adaption. Already diabetes has grown to a rate where 1 out of 3 children born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes. With 1 out of every 2 minority children contracting the disease. This is a direct result of our mass consumption of sugar which has never been available to us as a species in such large quantities. Still we continue to consume with no question. We spend $5 on a 12 pack of Mountain Dew and complain about paying $1 more for a dozen eggs harvested organically that are rich in nutrition and energy. Why are we not aware of the urgency of our priorities? Where will we be in 100 years? When our problems as a society will have to take alarming measures to reverse years of nutritional abuse on such a wide scale. No more is the human who understands the world he lives in. No more is the human that sees the affect he has on the world as survival is pre-processed and bought in grocery stores.

We have allowed ourselves to accept anything and everything with the littlest amount of thought and accountability. Not only on a corporate level, but with our own personal accountability. The questions we need to be asking ourselves with the foods that we eat, have all but faded out of our attention. The questions simply do not exist anymore. On a very large scale of course. Simple questions such as:

"Where?", to where our food is created and with what intent,
"Why?", as to why do we settle with the most immediate gratifications for efficiency of production at the expense of global health?

Awareness is constantly being raised, but at too slow of a rate.

Where will we be as a country when our streets are overflowed with uneducated, unhealthy, apathetic, passed along people who were not seen as good enough or equal to have a quality education? Or even a quality life. Our priorities are so skewed that we have justified spending 10's of billions of dollars a month on offense weaponry instead of sustaining and progressing our educational and health care systems. We have become sedated by medicines that enable us to adapt our spirit apathetically to our 'depression'. Our bodies can sense that we do not live in reality and it reacts in depression. We are consumed with manufactured ideas and problems separate from the human spirit. We have lost our priorities. Every civilization should always prioritize education and health care over all else. A society made up of educated, healthy people, produces educated and healthy progression. Instead, the government out of fear of losing their personal positions, makes decisions based on their support and not always the more logical answer. They tell themselves that this will be the last time they redraw their own line of integrity, but politics is an ever eroding shore in a weak man, and the odds are against them. It is not our governments fault, it is ours. We allow these things to be justified. We allow ourselves to cling to the superficial ideals of capitalism, that you have to win at any cost.

That is the fault in capitalism, it is only competition. Someone has to lose. Is that really how we want our world to be? An entire class of people, more importantly the MAJORITY class of people, that are guaranteed losers? With the drive to maintain arbitrary statistics in law enforcement and education, and the ever growing profits of the health insurance industy, we have completely broken down the systems designed to prevent this. All for the sake of perpetuating personal ambitions and to keep 'comfortable' ideas alive no matter how uncomfortable or obsolete they become. As our integrity for quality declines, so does our substance as people. We are cultivating broken individuals. Half people live half lives not fully existing in reality. The outcome is mass enslavement of a world through living out manufactured obligatory ideals. We are slaves to the people in control as we let our lives be shaped by their decisions. That is not necessarily saying that there is some nefarious intention by a group of people controlling the world. I think we are just as capable of creating these problems out of apathy and under the illusion that we are not all powerful individuals. Regardless of predetermined stereotypical and idealistic boundries, it doesnt change the fact that you are not in control of your life.

Where is Justice? Where is the enthusiasm? Where is our revolution? I wonder on a daily basis why every person is this country doesn't march through the streets with signs stating "I am no statistic, I am alive." We are made to believe that we are recipients of this great nation of excess, that this is how it is regardless of the disdain, when we are participants. We are this nation. We the people, right? We have the power to control our own lives, and to not stand victim to the folly of a handful of delusional ambitious people who are under the impression they are working for a common goal of sustainability and a consistent lifestyle for all. All it creates is negativity. All it creates is the expectation in peoples lives. Expectations are the root of unhappiness. Do your best to rise above, and transcend the expectations you allow to be put in your life. Remember, status is an idea, not a principle. The beauty with ideas is that they change, and will always change. Don't ever forget you can choose to forget them. Lets make a concerted effort to rise above the duress of expectations, and for us all to shake off the imaginary shackles that keep us sedated as our world turns to shit.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The King

here are some of my favorite lyrics I've written.

The King

lost, and built to run.
there's so much to show
and I cant find anyone.
if I stay I'll lose my mind,
watching the world pass me by.
filling a mold, to be cast aside.

i'll be anything you want me to be
take me, oh, take me.

i'm here to learn to make my own bed,
hear my own words, and breath my own breathe.
on and on I find myself lost
all in all it seems this is what I'm here for.

i'll be anything you want me to be
take me, oh, take me.

we are bearing the weight of the crosses we've made.
struggle for air from the nails of our blame.
sinking and failing the wind starts to change,
the king stays the king, everyone stays the same.
the roads that our fathers built have crumbled in rain,
like words of false wisdoms, spoken in vain.
i'm open for answers, i'm open for shame,
i'm open for love, i am open for pain.
i'm open for happiness, i'm open to tame,
i'm open to trust, that i'm loved all the same.

but its hard to love, what you dont know.

so, i'll be anything you want me to be.
take me, oh, take me.

Find Yourself Here

here are some lyrics to a song I have been working on. I am working on making a demo right now, because I love the melodies.

Find Yourself Here

they give you a map to read, on your own time.
truth is under the big red 'X', but you never know what you'll find.
the hunt is never clear enough, reading blurred lines,
on a map that smears more, with each step you leave behind.

and you say "where am I?,
what's next?
tell me why.."

somebody please give me a sign.
I'm staring at the sky going out of my mind.
wishing to god, that I could fly
take to the clouds and leave my woes behind.

all the time you spend running, round and round and round
digging every chance you can, losing all solid ground.
take your eyes off the page, draw your own lines.
everything's in its rightful place, and we don't know why.

so you say, "here am I!
what's next?
tell me why.."

somebody please give me a sign.
I'm staring at the sky going out of my mind.
wishing to god, that I could fly
take to the clouds and leave my woes behind.