Welcome friend.

Here are some things that I have written, read, or have affected me in some way. I formally state that no one truly will understand these words or the intention of these words due to my inability to efficiently & accurately express myself.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So it seems that the scales of lady justice have diminished. No longer do the scales tip to the side of justice, but rather to the side with heaviest hand.

"Let both sides pile on the weight (money). Whichever pocket empties first, loses."

This is our Justice system. Justice supersedes criminality. It is intertwined with our entire way of life, with the lack of accountability we hold with our people and our environment. We allow drastic, hollow steps to be made by corporations that now control our entire country, if not the world, with little or no resistance. These hands of greed have infiltrated every facet of our culture and dictate its progression. Unfortunately progression is lost to personal ambitions and lingering to ill intentioned, delusional fundamental ideas that were established in the early, more ignorant industrial past. Yet we still do not ask questions. We do not DEMAND answers.

We are hardwired for instant gratification. YOU are hardwired for instant gratification no matter the cost. For decades the American Dream has dominated the human spirit and perpetuated the decline in quality in every part of our society. Every good that is made for the proletariat is made with the intent to keep us living out superficial ideas long since spread too thin. An example is the mass production of cars specifically tailored to our nostalgia, regardless of environmental risks. We want BIG TRUCKS and cars that hearken back to retro times, the "good ole' days" & "the American way!", as they have been made 'cool' in our minds. We chase this 'cool' at any cost as it has been created and placed as the focal point of human existence. It is how we identify ourselves, and with the world around us. Very large leaps and bounds have been made in the vehicle industry since Mr. Ford created the assembly line that enables us to create clean, efficient, non-detrimental vehicles with much less repercussion than their combustible ancestors. Yet these technologies are suppressed by the already well established competition. These compromises are made only to ensure profits for a handful of individuals. They use the 'cool' to control you. At what cost?

To simply succumb to an idea because it is established is ludicrous. We should always be inquiring into the intent in which something is created. If a gas guzzling truck is manufactured and marketed in lieu of a smarter more technologically advanced, say electric car, then it is our responsibility to evaluate the costs and act accordingly. Obviously better choices exist, but why do we continue to digress instead of progress?

The same idea goes with the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the goods we so envelop ourselves in. Even our own English language is becoming more and more superficial and compromised. The term quality itself has changed meaning over the years to imply that it is merely 'acceptable', not of the highest grade as you are led to believe. MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY is the American way now. Not pride in ones work, or pride in ones self, but how quickly, and how cheap. We are on a continual downward trend in being able to properly express ones self or communicate appropriately with the world around us. We are de-evolving to neanderthals with our sedentary lives and sedentary minds. Consumed by nothing but consumption, distracted by our ever growing arsenal of media, we have become a culture of hedonism in the worst sense. A hedonism with no substance. It is one thing to indulge in the pleasures of the world with some sort of understanding or self cultivation, but another to consume just for the sake of consumption.

Consequences are mere ideas to the people making decisions everyday that not only affect our immediate life, but also our evolutionary growth. A handful of corporations control our entire food supply and make concessions only to increase their efficiency, and their profits, with no regard to the consequences. Things like the ever growing, not fully researched genetically enhanced foods and animal cloning can produce detrimental effects that we are not fully aware of. These technologies are tested on our entire species for the sake of immediate profits. How is that an intelligent decision? We are completely unaware of how these will affect us a species in the long run, therefore we are acting unbelievably reckless. With the help of such cursory measures to meet immediate demands, we run the risk of future generations having diminished gene pools, possible mutations, and a weaker evolutionary specimen that has taken millions of years of cultivation and adaption. Already diabetes has grown to a rate where 1 out of 3 children born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes. With 1 out of every 2 minority children contracting the disease. This is a direct result of our mass consumption of sugar which has never been available to us as a species in such large quantities. Still we continue to consume with no question. We spend $5 on a 12 pack of Mountain Dew and complain about paying $1 more for a dozen eggs harvested organically that are rich in nutrition and energy. Why are we not aware of the urgency of our priorities? Where will we be in 100 years? When our problems as a society will have to take alarming measures to reverse years of nutritional abuse on such a wide scale. No more is the human who understands the world he lives in. No more is the human that sees the affect he has on the world as survival is pre-processed and bought in grocery stores.

We have allowed ourselves to accept anything and everything with the littlest amount of thought and accountability. Not only on a corporate level, but with our own personal accountability. The questions we need to be asking ourselves with the foods that we eat, have all but faded out of our attention. The questions simply do not exist anymore. On a very large scale of course. Simple questions such as:

"Where?", to where our food is created and with what intent,
"Why?", as to why do we settle with the most immediate gratifications for efficiency of production at the expense of global health?

Awareness is constantly being raised, but at too slow of a rate.

Where will we be as a country when our streets are overflowed with uneducated, unhealthy, apathetic, passed along people who were not seen as good enough or equal to have a quality education? Or even a quality life. Our priorities are so skewed that we have justified spending 10's of billions of dollars a month on offense weaponry instead of sustaining and progressing our educational and health care systems. We have become sedated by medicines that enable us to adapt our spirit apathetically to our 'depression'. Our bodies can sense that we do not live in reality and it reacts in depression. We are consumed with manufactured ideas and problems separate from the human spirit. We have lost our priorities. Every civilization should always prioritize education and health care over all else. A society made up of educated, healthy people, produces educated and healthy progression. Instead, the government out of fear of losing their personal positions, makes decisions based on their support and not always the more logical answer. They tell themselves that this will be the last time they redraw their own line of integrity, but politics is an ever eroding shore in a weak man, and the odds are against them. It is not our governments fault, it is ours. We allow these things to be justified. We allow ourselves to cling to the superficial ideals of capitalism, that you have to win at any cost.

That is the fault in capitalism, it is only competition. Someone has to lose. Is that really how we want our world to be? An entire class of people, more importantly the MAJORITY class of people, that are guaranteed losers? With the drive to maintain arbitrary statistics in law enforcement and education, and the ever growing profits of the health insurance industy, we have completely broken down the systems designed to prevent this. All for the sake of perpetuating personal ambitions and to keep 'comfortable' ideas alive no matter how uncomfortable or obsolete they become. As our integrity for quality declines, so does our substance as people. We are cultivating broken individuals. Half people live half lives not fully existing in reality. The outcome is mass enslavement of a world through living out manufactured obligatory ideals. We are slaves to the people in control as we let our lives be shaped by their decisions. That is not necessarily saying that there is some nefarious intention by a group of people controlling the world. I think we are just as capable of creating these problems out of apathy and under the illusion that we are not all powerful individuals. Regardless of predetermined stereotypical and idealistic boundries, it doesnt change the fact that you are not in control of your life.

Where is Justice? Where is the enthusiasm? Where is our revolution? I wonder on a daily basis why every person is this country doesn't march through the streets with signs stating "I am no statistic, I am alive." We are made to believe that we are recipients of this great nation of excess, that this is how it is regardless of the disdain, when we are participants. We are this nation. We the people, right? We have the power to control our own lives, and to not stand victim to the folly of a handful of delusional ambitious people who are under the impression they are working for a common goal of sustainability and a consistent lifestyle for all. All it creates is negativity. All it creates is the expectation in peoples lives. Expectations are the root of unhappiness. Do your best to rise above, and transcend the expectations you allow to be put in your life. Remember, status is an idea, not a principle. The beauty with ideas is that they change, and will always change. Don't ever forget you can choose to forget them. Lets make a concerted effort to rise above the duress of expectations, and for us all to shake off the imaginary shackles that keep us sedated as our world turns to shit.

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